This is the season for giving, but it’s also the season for planning ahead. Many of us take the time between Christmas and New Year to set our intentions for the upcoming year. One of the top intentions? Eating better with the help of meal planning. When I think of meal planning, I always dream of making the perfect tofu bites. So, I did and I am excited to share how I slayed them!


That’s right we are jumping right into the recipe! This one is quick and easy but take a little prep beforehand. Marinade tempeh in bacon marinade for at least an hour, but overnight is best. Full disclosure, I ended up leaving the tempeh in the marinade for four days. It definitely made a difference. If you have four days, go for it!

Once the tempeh is ready, it is time to get to work. Preheat your oven to 395° F. Add a black of tofu, ¼ cup of nutritional yeast, 2 tablespoons of non-dairy milk, ½ tablespoon of garlic powder, ½ tablespoon of onion powder, ½ teaspoon of salt and ½ teaspoon of ground black pepper into a highspeed blender. Blend until smooth. The mixture should resemble a thick pancake batter. Spray a muffin pan with cooking oil and pour the mixture into the muffin cups. You should get about 6-8 cups. Bake until the tops of the tofu cups are light brown, about 30 minutes. 

While bites are baking, heat ½ tablespoon of grapeseed oil in a pan over medium heat. Add ¼ of a red onion, roughly chopped, and ½ of a red bell pepper, roughly chopped, to the oil. Saute until onions are almost transparent, about 3 minutes. Push onions and peppers to the side and add marinated tempeh, ½ tablespoon of minced garlic, one can of drained chickpeas and remaining marinade to the pan. Use a wooden spatula to break up the tempeh. Continue cooking ingredients in the pan for another 5 minutes. Then, mix all the ingredients together. Set aside until tofu bites are done baking. 

Now, it’s time to assemble! Remove the tofu bites from the muffin pan as soon as they are cool enough to handle. Add two bites to a plate and top with tempeh and chickpea mixture. Enjoy warm. 


While this is certainly my favorite (and best) tofu bite recipe, there is always room for improvements. Here are a few of the lessons learned that I will definitely incorporate into this recipe moving forward: 

  • Fresh, not frozen. There are some cases where freezing your tofu before you cook it can work in your favor…this is not one of them. This recipe works better with tofu that has never been frozen. You will get a smoother batter in the end.

  • Limit the liquid. Since the tofu is only lightly pressed in this recipe, you don’t need to add too much liquid to the mix. Two tablespoons of non-dairy milk will do it. The batter will be smooth without being too loose after baking. 

  • Add some greens. I ran out of greens before making this recipe and didn’t want to run out to get them! I know, I know. Add spinach or kale with a sprinkle of parsley in the 3 – 4 minutes of cooking the tempeh and chickpea mixture. It will take the dish up another level for sure and would be a great way to add in some greens. 

  • Beware of counter surfers. am sure you know by now that if I am cooking, Kawhi is not too far away. Typically, he is pretty well behaved while I am cooking, but there are some recipes that inspire his counter surfing ways…and this was one of them! So, if you have a counter surfer at your home, be sure to kick them out of the kitchen before you make these smothered tofu bites!

Now that you have the recipe and a few tips under your belt, I hope you give these smothered tofu bites a try. They are perfect for meal prepping and packed with protein. Even if you are not a fan of tofu bites, I encourage you to them a try. They might surprise you!

If you decide to try them, let us know. We love to see it! Comment below to let us know how it goes or share on Instagram, @plantbasedslay. Be sure to use #plantbasedslay so we can see your creations.

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If you are looking for more plant-based deliciousness, check out these recipes:

Smothered Tofu Bites

Smothered Tofu Bites

Yield: 6-8 cups
Prep time: 10 MinCook time: 35 MinTotal time: 45 Min
The best way to start the day - savory and protein packed! You can't go wrong with these smothered tofu bites.


  • ½ block tempeh
  • ½ C. bacon marinade
  • 1 block tofu., 14 oz & lightly pressed
  • ¼ C. nutritional yeast
  • 2 tbsp non-dairy milk
  • ½ tbsp garlic powder
  • ½ tbsp onion powder
  • ½ tsp salt
  • ½ tsp ground pepper
  • ½ tbsp grapeseed oil
  • ¼ red onion, chopped
  • ½ red bell pepper, chopped
  • ½ tbsp garlic, minced
  • 1 can chickpea, 15.5 oz drained
  • 2 C. spinach, roughly chopped


  1. Marinade tempeh in bacon marinade for at least an hour. Overnight is best.
  2. Preheat oven to 395° F. Add tofu, nutritional yeast, grapeseed oil, non-dairy milk, garlic powder, onion powder, salt and black pepper into a highspeed blender. Blend until smooth.
  3. Coat the muffin pan with oil. Pour mixture into muffin pan. Add to oven and bake for 30 minutes. They will be golden brown on top.
  4. While bites are baking, heat oil in a pan over medium heat. Saute red onions and red bell pepper in oil until onions are almost transparent, about 3 minutes. Push onions and peppers to the side and add tempeh, garlic, chickpeas and remaining marinade to the pan. Break up the tempeh with a wooden spatula and continue cooking ingredients in the pan for another 5 minutes. Then mix all the ingredients together. Set aside.
  5. Once the tofu muffins are ready, let cool slightly. Carefully remove from the muffin pan and add to a plate. Top with tempeh mixture and enjoy!
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