Veganuary has passed and many may be trying to figure out if the plant-based life is for them. Well, my dear – if you are one of the many, you came to the right place! I am here to provide a few plant-based diet tips for beginners and (hopefully even) a little inspiration to keep going on your new journey. 

Before I get into my plant-based tips, I wanted to provide a little background on my story or as some might call it a disclaimer lol Although I often refer to myself as a unicorn, my transition to a plant-based diet was nothing magical. I’d tried and failed in the past, was relunctant to try again and just plain didn’t want to feel stuck relying on plants for nourishment for the rest of my life. Until, my mom, Mama Paige, bribed me with a meal at with a three-Michelin star restaurant in Chicago. That’s right! If I went plant-based for just three months, I would enjoy an exquisite plant-based tasting menu at a restaurant that I could only dream of. And, that just what I did!

3 Not so magical tips 

I like sharing my non-magical plant-based story because I want you to know that these tips are not magic either – there is no quick fix for changing the way you eat other than just doing it. Taking it one day at a time and remembering why you started in the first place. Which brings me to my first tip – find your North Star. 

 Find YOUR North Star

There are so many reasons to transition to a plant-based diet – animals, health, the environment, etc. While these are all good, I found that identifying my “why” or “North Star” was essential to maintaining my plant-based diet. What was my North Star? The trip Alinea, of course! I know, it’s not a typical “why” but it inspired me to choose plant-based dishes every time I sat down to eat. So, that’s my tip to you – find what will keep you going and inspire you to continue your plant-based journey even when the only thing you can think about eating is salad. Find YOUR North Star. 

Don’t operate out of scarcity.

When you’re used to planning your meals around certain foods, it can be easy to feel like you have limited options when switching to a different way of eating. But, that’s the thing – it’s just a different way eating! So don’t focus on what you can’t have, think about what you can have. In the mood for a Big Mac? Try the Triple Double. How about a BLT? Give the DAT a try. Maybe you just want to spruce up your guacamole. No matter what it is, there is always an option for delicious ways to embrace plant-based eating. 

Go with what you know

This honestly could be the first tip, but I decided to save the best for last. My biggest lesson in going plant based was not to overwhelm myself before I got into my flow. When I started my plant-based journey, I thought I had to go full earth mama – making my food at home, growing herbs in my kitchen, only shopping at farmer’s market -  you know, the whole nine! I was not – and still not quite – that human! Lol I was a to-go queen. So why was I trying to do the most? Who knows. I honestly can’t tell you why, but what I can tell you is that if I would have started with what I know – to-go food – instead of overwhelming myself in the beginning my plant-based journey might have been a little more magical. So, don’t be like me! If you are a to-go queen (or king), find out what plant-based dishes your favorite restaurants make and give them a try or explore a few new eateries. Once you get into your flow, start trying new things – like cooking! Lol 

Those are my three easy (and realistic) tips for going plant-based whether you are continuing your Veganuary journey or needing a little refresh. I hope they help you as much as they helped me on my journey.



If you are looking for a little more inspiration, be sure to check out the episode of the GetPlanted Podcast where I share my plant-based journey. While you’re there, binge a few episodes. Mama Paige and I share plant-based diet tips for beginners or not-so beginners and all the good vibes!

Also, be sure to join the Planted Tribe to receive updates on new posts and everything PlantBasedSlay. In the meantime, browse the site for inspiration to help you on your journey.


