February holds so much significance for me – it’s Black History Month and Kawhi’s “Gotcha” month. Now, I can add the kick-off of Intentionally Me to my celebration and gratitude list for February. Before I break out the banners and party hats, let me rewind and explain a little more about what Intentionally Me is all about. 

How it started

Since I began my plant-based journey my North star was intentional consumption – being more aware of what I consume mentally, physically and spiritually. I’ve learned so much about myself through this process and started some amazing things that have changed my life, like PlantBasedSlay. However, along every journey, there are times when you need a refresh and, after almost three years, I started to feel like it was time for a major refresh. When Mama Paige called me to let me know she would be taking time to reset, I know my initial feeling to refresh was the right thing for me to pursue. 

After sharing notes back and forth, we decided on our main intention for this journey – to reset and refresh how we intentionally consume for a month. Here is what we came up with: 


Mom’s challenge: 

  1. Focusing on whole foods instead of processed with one whole food salad and one whole fruit a day

  2. No eating after 8 pm

  3. Keep a food diary

  4. Daily activity (walking, boxing, etc.) 


AP’s challenge:

  1. Whole food vegan

  2. Focus on getting daily recommended water and limiting coffee intake

  3. Daily yoga and meditation + weekly journal reflections

  4. Daily walks with Kawhi


Staying Accountable

It’s not always necessary to have a buddy when you are resetting or refreshing your intentions. In fact, in some cases, I would even advise against it but we can come back to that in another post. For this month, I look forward to having Mama Paige as a partner to help me stay accountable and share ideas especially when it comes to salads. I am not the best with salad making and, let’s be honest, Mama Paige can make anything taste good, even a raw salad. 

We, of course, are taking it a step further. Throughout this month, we will share our experiences with you to help us stay accountable. Keep a lookout for posts tagged #IntentionallyMe for our weekly updates and even a few recipes. I believe I can speak for Mama Paige when I say we are so excited to share this experience with you. 

If you would like to join Intentionally Me, take this as an official welcome to the party. Feel free to share your intentions and updates in the comments below or on Instagram. Be sure to use #IntentionallyMe and #PlantBasedSlay so we can find you. We look forward to seeing your comments and posts!

Stay tuned for next week’s update. In the meantime, browse the site for inspiration to help you on your journey.


