As I transitioned my way of eating, I also experienced a mindset shift. Not only did I begin to take a closer look at what I fueled my body with, I also began contemplating what I fueled my mind and soul with and the intention behind it. This mindset shift inspired my focus on intentional consumption – being mindful about how I am fueling my mind and spirit as well as my body and doing more that actually served me well. 

When is the last time you truly took part in something that serves you, fuels your higher self or just made you feel good? If it’s been awhile, why not go for it? When you engage in practices and activities that serve you well, you might notice that other things start falling into place. Why? You are in your flow, leading with gratitude and intention. Who doesn’t want to tap into that? 

Time to tap in!

As you scroll through the PlantBasedSlay, you will see multiple mentions of intentional consumption. Paired with the mantra good vibes, good food, good lookin’, inspiring intentional consumption was the founding vision of this digital space and continues to be its heartbeat. We want to encourage you to set your intentions and go for it. Do what serves you!

Finding what fuels your higher self and serves you well is a big deal and can seem a bit overwhelming. To help guide my decisions on intentional consumption, I ask myself these four questions: 

  1. Does it spark joy? 

  2. Does it encourage peace? 

  3. Will it amplify abundance?

  4. Will it help me lead with love?  


The four questions are based on my intentions. If I can answer yes to one or more of the questions, I know it serves me well. If not, I consider how I can change it up to fit one of the buckets above or just remove it from my life all together. Yes, remove it. Everything and everyone are not for you. Part of intentional consumption is letting go of what doesn’t serve you to make room for what does. 

I encourage you to use the intentions you’ve set to create a criteria for what serves you. Once you do, we would love to hear about it. Share them with us in the comments below or on Instagram, @plantbasedslay. Be sure to use #plantbasedslay so we can find you.


