On to week two! I think Mama Paige and I both agreed during this week that we would be continuing this “challenge” for the foreseeable future. Not for any other reason than we both just feel better. More on discipline, more balance and more good vibes. We are excited to share our week two update with you. Keep scrolling to check them out. 

Mama Paige’s Update: "About last week"

There is always something about the buttery smell of popcorn that gets me. And, on week two…it did! During the week I continued week one’s momentum. I started to look forward to my daily salads. Then the weekend hit. Papa Paige and I decided to get some air and take a short road trip to Lake Michigan. On the way back home, we passed by our favorite mom-and-pop candy store and decided to stop by. After catching up with shop owners, I left with a little fudge for my aunt, a big box of popcorn and a nut and dried berry mix. Surely, nuts and berries would balance things out. 

As we continued on our journey back home, I decided to look up a local Asian market. After browsing the store and picking up a few items, we went to checkout. The owners were so happy to see Papa Paige and I they gave us a free bag of vegan BBQ corn chips. How could I decline such a gracious offer? I took it with the intention of regifting, but I ate them instead. Lol By the end of the day, I could feel that I might have over-eaten a bit. While all of the items were delicious and it absolutely ok to splurge every now and again, it was not my intention for the week. Instead of beating myself up over one day, I focused on the positive – I am still on track with my weight loss and my clothes are fitting better as the challenge continues. I will take a few lessons learned from this week into the third week of this challenge. 


AP’s Update: “Veggie sushi is basically a salad, Right?

I fell into familiar habits this week too. After a long week, it was nice to check in with a familiar place where they already know my order. My favorite Thai place just minutes away from my home was my familiar place of choice. After picking up my normal order of veggie sushi rolls and fried tofu, I text mom to let her know my “salad” for today would be veggie sushi. Keeping it accountable, of course! I know veggie sushi isn’t a salad, Honestly, after agreeing to eat a salad a day, I’ve been dreading it. Which is crazy because I love salads. 

So, I made the decision to just do it. After making all the delicious Super Bowl inspired recipe, I gave all the final snacks away and made a salad. And, guess what? Nothing happened. I was full and happy. Now, I’ve dived into DIY salad dressings. Stay tuned for that recipe. I think I am onto something good. I am excited to continue this momentum into week three and seeing how I do with travel.

That is it for this week’s update. Check back again next week for our second week of the #IntentionallyMe challenge. If you are joining the challenge with us, let us know what your week one progress was in the comments below or on Instagram (@plantbasedslay).
