We are one week into the Intentionally Me challenge. If you are not familiar with this challenge, check out the previous post to get all the details. As part of the challenge, Mama Paige and I are providing weekly updates on our progress and experiences.

Mama Paige’s Update: "Off the rails for a day, but back on track"

Before I jump into my one-week update, I want to provide a little more backstory about why I started this challenge.  Let’s go back to the Holidays. I spent the break visiting family, indulging in vegan food trucks and making memories that will warm my heart for many years to come. In addition to bringing home warm memories, I brought home about five extra pounds. While eating plant-based is not a guaranteed means for weight loss, I knew that eating cleaner and getting back on track physically would certainly help in getting rid of the five extra pounds. 

So, here I am - one week in! I am already feeling better and even lost five pounds. Some of the clothes that were feeling a little snug are fitting better! How did I do it? Sticking to my plan. My secret weapon has been my food diary. I find that if I write down everything I eat, it helps me to stay on track. I’ve also been keeping track of my steps using my FitBit. I have been averaging 10,500 steps a day. I am excited to keep this momentum going! I will check back in next week to let you know how it is going. 


AP’s Update: “Finding Balance despite missteps”

 Similar to Mama Paige, I indulged in many plant-based items over the Holiday break. So, of course, when I decided to do this challenge with Mama Paige, my intentions were good. Unfortunately, I did not account for the taste tasting that happen when making recipes for the blog. With “The Big Game” pending, I wanted to make recipes that would spice up anyone’s game day. Salads don’t typically come to mind. It was too easy for the “the doesn’t count” tasting during cooking to replace my evening salads. Before I knew it the week was up and I was looking for a restart button for this challenge. 

Instead of feeling down on myself for missing the mark on my food, I celebrated the thing I accomplished this week: starting to find more balance in life, meditating and journaling consistently and walking the pup every morning. That last one was something I’d think about doing as I rolled over every morning to get an extra five minutes of sleep. This week instead of thinking about it, I did it! I haven’t passed out from missed sleep yet and the morning walks are helping me to ground myself before starting my day. This is something I definitely intend to keep doing after this month. 

Now that I’ve found more balance this week, I look forward to getting on track with my food! 

That is it for this week’s update. Check back again next week for our second week of the #IntentionallyMe challenge. If you are joining the challenge with us, let us know what your week one progress was in the comments below or on Instagram, @plantbasedslay.


